Ver Angola




Government and Chinese Huawei join forces in project that aims to develop and transform the digital economy

The Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication is working with the Chinese multinational Huawei on a pilot project that aims to implement the development and transformation of the digital economy aimed at...


Polígrafo África will be launched in Luanda for news coverage of the PALOP

A new online newspaper called Polígrafo África will be launched on Tuesday, an editorial project similar to the Portuguese Polígrafo, which will have its headquarters in Luanda and correspondents at the PALOP level, it was announced this Monday.


Portuguese news channel arrives on Angolan screens

RTP3, a Portuguese news channel, has arrived in Angola. As of this Thursday, DStv Angola will be offering this information channel, whose schedule offers coverage of news, politics, economics, science, sports and social issues.

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