Ver Angola


South Africans want Angosat-2 to distribute television content

A South African company began testing Angosat-2 services this week, with the aim of seeing whether it could use the Angolan satellite to distribute television content.


This is Sentech, a South African public telecommunications company. In a statement, to which VerAngola had access, the National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN) informed that, in partnership with Infrasat and Sentech, technical and service tests began using Angosat-2.

These tests aim to understand whether Sentech can use the Angolan satellite to distribute television and digital television content.

"The objective is for Sentech to use Angosat-2 to provide television content distribution service, as well as digital broadcasting", reads the note, which adds that "the work in progress equally falls within the practical sharing of infrastructure between SADC [Southern African Development Community] countries, of which Angola and South Africa are part of the expert committee".

Thus, on November 13th, in Johannesburg (South Africa), "two antennas were pointed and aligned for the Angolan satellite, a main antenna measuring nine meters in diameter and another remote antenna measuring 3.7 meters in diameter".

During the tests, the technical teams are observing "compliance with procedures and validation of the performance of the parameters of the terrestrial antennas" located in Johannesburg and the Angolan satellite.

In addition, parameters such as the "relationship between signal and noise, modulation and demodulation, power levels in transmission and reception", among others, were also checked.

"The work done with Zambia and now underway with South Africa, represents efforts to commercialize Angosat-2 capabilities outside Angola's borders", the note also points out.


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