Ver Angola


Space X reaffirms interest in establishing itself in Angola and supporting the country in digital transformation

Space X reiterated its desire to establish itself in Angola and to be part of the process of implementing the country's Digital Transformation Agenda. According to the global director of Starlink Licensing and Activation, Ben MacWiliams, the company's licensing process in Angola is already advanced and even Starlink Angola has already been created.


The Ministry of Planning, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, said that "Space X reaffirmed its interest in establishing itself in Angola and supporting the country in its ongoing digital transformation process".

As part of a meeting with the Minister of Planning, Victor Hugo Guilherme, the director of Starlink informed the government official about the "steps they are taking with the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, so that the company he represents is licensed in the country".

According to the person responsible, this process is "advanced, with Starlink Angola, a subsidiary of Starlink Global, having already been created".

At the hearing, the Minister of Planning "presented digitalization as one of the priorities of the Government of Angola, above all, for the development of the education, health, agriculture and commerce sectors".

Ben MacWilliams acknowledged that the country needs "two connection solutions, namely, cable and satellite, but said that in the case of population dispersion across the territory, it is faster and more economical to ensure this connectivity through satellite".

Thus, he said that the company, within the scope of social responsibility, has "solutions to support the connectivity of schools and hospitals".

At the time, he also told Victor Hugo Guilherme that Elon Musk, owner of Space X, "invested around 10 billion dollars for Starlink to promote global connectivity".

MacWiliams assured that there are currently more than 7000 satellites in orbit: "Right now, we have more than 7000 satellites in orbit and every week we are launching 15 new satellites, so this is the investment we have made in infrastructure", he said, quoted in the note.

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