Ver Angola


Portuguese news channel arrives on Angolan screens

RTP3, a Portuguese news channel, has arrived in Angola. As of this Thursday, DStv Angola will be offering this information channel, whose schedule offers coverage of news, politics, economics, science, sports and social issues.

: Lusa

Thus, according to a statement sent to VerAngola, "DStv customers can find RTP3 on channel 532, at no extra cost for eligible packages".

Customers who want to enjoy this channel that "serves the Portuguese-speaking public, bringing global updates directly to their screens", only have to "upgrade or reconnect to any of the packages".

Regarding the packages, the statement adds that viewers can watch RTP3 in the Família Mais, Grande, Grande Mais, Bué and Mega packages.

"This new channel addition fulfills DStv's promise to offer a diverse range of interesting content that appeals to its audience, to ensure that customers stay informed at any time and anywhere", the note also points out.

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