Ver Angola




New York Times chooses Angola as one of the 52 places to visit this year

Angola is on the list of 52 destinations suggested by the New York Times to visit this year. Occupying 12th place on the list, the North American newspaper highlights that Angola is ready to be explored, with its “undiscovered tropical beaches,...


Government wants to classify Mussulo Island as a place of tourist interest

The Council of Ministers assessed the draft diploma that classifies the island of Mussulo, in the province of Luanda, as a place of tourist interest, to better utilize its tourist potential.


Luanda's landscapes enchant more than 1930 tourists

The beauty of the capital and the culture of Angola enchanted the more than 1930 tourists of various nationalities who, this Monday, disembarked at the Port of Luanda, coming from the cruise ship Norwegian Sky.

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