Ver Angola




Gil Vicente loans Angolan forward Depú to Serbian side FK Vojvodina

Gil Vicente, from the Portuguese I League, announced the loan of Angolan forward Depú to FK Vojvodina, from the top division of Serbia.


National futsal team heads to Uzbekistan to compete in the World Cup

The national futsal team is already on its way to Uzbekistan, the country where the World Cup will be held. Before leaving for the World Cup venue, which took place this Tuesday, the team completed a training camp in Portugal.


Petro de Luanda heads to Singapore to compete in the FIBA ​​International Cup

Petro de Luanda, which was crowned champion of the Basketball Africa League (BAL) this year, will participate in the FIBA ​​International Cup, to be held between 12 and 15 September, in Singapore.

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