Ver Angola




Olympic Games: Azenaide Carlos is the country's flag bearer and will wear Nadir Tati at the opening

The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will take place this Friday and Angola will be represented by Azenaide Carlos as the country's flag bearer in the Olympic competition. At the ceremony, the handball player will wear a costume...


Handball: Angola starts to lose at the Paris Olympic Games

Angola debuted with a defeat in the first game of group B of the preliminary round of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, which will run until August in France. The national senior women's handball team faced the Netherlands this Thursday, having lost...


International climbing festival takes place for the first time in Huíla

Next month, Serra da Leba, in Huíla, will be the backdrop for an international climbing festival. In an initiative by Climb Angola, in collaboration with the Association of Tour Promoters and Operators (HOTOUR), the first Climbing Festival in...

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