Ver Angola




Angolan businesswoman is among the 100 personalities recognized for promoting tourism in Africa

An Angolan businesswoman is among the 100 individuals distinguished for promoting tourism on the African continent. She is Ângela Martha Diamantino Kuyanga, who founded the tourism agency Kadd Investimento LDA – Angola.


722 tour guides trained between 2023 and the first half of this year

The Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Angola (AJEA) trained a total of 722 tourist guides between 2023 and the first six months of this year, in the provinces of Cabinda, Benguela, Namibe, Uíge and Huíla, reported Alfredo Cangonga Nguli,...


International hotel chain Marriott arrives in the country and creates 70 direct jobs

The country welcomed the international hotel chain Marriott on Monday with the inauguration of Angola's first Protea by Marriott Hotel. The Minister of Tourism, Márcio Daniel, was responsible for inaugurating the new hotel, which is located in...

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