Ver Angola




Tourist train will take more than 60 tourists to Benguela

A tourist train will transport more than 60 tourists to Benguela. This is the rovos train ‘Trail of Two Oceans’, which is scheduled to arrive in the province for next Tuesday.


Raid Cacimbo: olRaid Cacimbo: oldest tourist expedition in the country on a trip to discover the ‘heart of Angola’

The oldest tourist expedition in the country is back. This year, the Raid Cacimbo caravan, which is already traveling, will travel more than 2500 kilometers between Luanda and Bié to discover the ‘heart of Angola’.


Municipal administration held the 1st edition of the Luanda tourist itinerary that enchanted participants

More than 100 people participated, this Sunday, in the first edition of the Luanda Municipality Tourist Guide. In the itinerary, which enchanted the participants, it was possible to introduce them to the history, gastronomy, as well as the main...

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