Ver Angola




Minister of Public Works: Sumbe requalification affected by non-approval of credits from Brazil and China

The Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing said this Tuesday that the requalification works in the city of Sumbe, in the province of Cuanza Sul, were affected by the non-approval of credit lines from Brazil and China.


‘Jardins de Belas’ project provides 1953 lots for housing and commerce

A total of 1953 plots of land for housing, commercial purposes, social facilities and green areas are available for sale from this Thursday. The plots are part of the ‘Jardins de Belas’ subdivision and will be sold exclusively online.

Real Estate

State prepares evictions of those who do not pay rent in central areas. Debtors of 'Vida Pacífica' are the first to leave

From next month onwards, the National Housing Institute (INH) will begin notifying citizens who live in the State's centralities but do not pay rent. The process will start in Luanda, in the Vida Pacífica centrality, but will later be extended to...

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