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Executive launches competition for construction of the first north/south motorway

The Executive will "soon" launch a public tender for the construction of the Soyo/Santa Clara motorway, under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality. The work will connect, for the first time, the north and south of Angola to neighboring countries, such as Zambia and Namibia.


It is known that the motorway will be around 1,400 kilometres long, and the authorisation to move forward with the study and preparation of the projects came months after the Minister of Public Works, Carlos dos Santos, met with the business group China Road and Bridge Construction.

To implement the project, Presidential Order No. 198/24, dated 26 August 2024, authorises the Ministry of Public Works, Urban Planning and Housing to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the company China Road and Bridge Corporation, with a view to preparing the studies and projects necessary to support the aforementioned tender.

According to the Government, the order also delegates to the Minister of Public Works, Urban Planning and Housing the power to carry out all decision-making and supervisory approval acts, including the signing of the memorandum, with the possibility of sub-delegating these functions.

The country has a road network of 79,300 kilometres, of which 27,600 are national roads, according to Angop. Angola has over 11,400 kilometres of paved roads, which represents around 41.3 percent of the total length of the national road network.

As for municipal roads, the country has 51,700 kilometres, of which over 15,100 are currently paved, representing around 29 percent of the total length.

Financial resources guaranteed for completion of the Caiengue/Onzo/Muxaluando section

In addition to the motorway, the Government also announced that a total of 22 million dollars will be invested in completing the National Road EN 311, on the Caiengue/Onzo/Muxaluando section.

The financing for the project, to be signed between the Ministry of Finance and Banco Caixa Geral Angola, covers 18 kilometres of road, including four kilometres of resurfacing to Gombe, in the province of Bengo, as well as the supervision of the work.

The Minister of Finance has been delegated the power to sign the credit agreement and all related documentation.


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