Ver Angola




Ana Dias Lourenço inaugurates pavilion: “We want young people to become exemplary citizens”

Since last Friday, the municipality of Cazenga has had a new sports pavilion. This is theFormigas do Cazenga Sports Pavilion, which was inaugurated by the First Lady of the Republic, Ana Dias Lourenço, and which will encourage young people to...


Petro de Luanda wins and strengthens leadership of Girabola

Leader Petro de Luanda, led by Portuguese coach Ricardo Chéu, beat Desportivo da Lunda Sul 2-1 on Sunday in the province of Lunda Sul, in a delayed match of the 11th round of the national football championship.


Estrela da Amadora gives young Angolan striker Manu to União de Santarém

Estrela da Amadora has loaned the young Angolan striker Manu to União de Santarém, from League 3, until the end of the current season, the club that plays in the Portuguese football First League announced this Wednesday.

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