Ver Angola




Fazenda Mumba will open tourist accommodation later this year and will be the setting for filming of TVI's new soap opera

The landscapes of Fazenda Mumba will be part of the new soap opera on Portuguese broadcaster TVI. Located in the province of Huíla, the aforementioned farm will house the recordings of the new soap opera, named with the provisional title “Huíla”....


Number of visits to Benguela grew. The province received 11 thousand tourists in the first half of this year

During the first six months of this year, Benguela received approximately 11 thousand foreign tourists. According to data provided by the director of the Provincial Office of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports of Benguela, Pascoal Luís, the...


Endiama will carry out maintenance at the IU Hotel in Dundo and plans to open a competition to hire local young people

Endiama, which recently saw the IU Hotel in Dundo adjudicated to it, will move forward with the maintenance of the hotel infrastructure, so it will carry out a survey to determine the demand for labor and then proceed to open a competition to hire...

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