Ver Angola




Association ask for consideration in the introduction of transgenic seeds in the country

This Tuesday, the Association for Rural Development and Environment (ADRA) asked authorities to consider the introduction of transgenic seeds in the country, warning of the shortage of fertilizers and inexperience of small farmers.


Minister of Fisheries: country is expected to produce 80 thousand tons of tilapia by 2027

Eighty thousand tons of tilapia is how much the country expects to produce by 2027. The information was revealed by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Carmen do Sacramento Neto, who cited the production figures for this fish in the...


Angola will receive 25 million from the EU to protect national parks

The ambassador of the European Union (EU) in Angola, Rosário Bento Pais, said that Angola will receive 25 million euros from the European organization to protect biodiversity in four parks in the country.

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