Ver Angola




Angola reaffirms political-military stability in the province of Cabinda

The Minister of State and head of the Military Household of the President of the Republic reaffirmed, this Friday, in Cabinda, that, that province is experiencing a climate of “stability from the point of view of security and defense of the...


Division of the country into 21 provinces projects “population balance”

Each of the 21 provinces will have an average of 15 municipalities and 18 communes with the new administrative division of the country, which aims to promote balance in the expansion of population clusters, according to the law promulgated by the...


UNITA President says Angola has not completed reconciliation and mistreats its historical memory

The president of UNITA said this Wednesday that Angola has not completed its reconciliation and that it mistreats its historical memory of 50 years of independence, lamenting deaths from hunger, exclusion and state repression.

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