Ver Angola




Luanda has a new MRI machine that is expected to serve five times more people

Luanda has a new MRI machine, which is installed at the Luanda Medical Center (LMC). In an investment of 1.9 billion kwanzas, the machine (Philips MR5300 1.5 Tesla), whose presentation took place this Tuesday at LMC, reduces exam time from 60 to...


Doctors 'give back' full movement of teenager's legs after operation on three-kilogram tumor

A 14-year-old teenager was having difficulty moving his legs due to a three-kilogram tumor on his buttocks. However, doctors at the General Hospital of Lunda Sul managed to 'return' full movement of the teenager's legs, after successfully carrying...


Ministry of health will purchase 10 thousand kits of essential medicines

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) will acquire ten thousand 'kits' of essential medicines, in the simplified contracting modality (direct adjustment) for a value of nine billion kwanzas.

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