Ver Angola




MINSA warns the population not to eat cassava, peanuts or potatoes due to the risk of food poisoning

This Wednesday, the Ministry of Health warned the population not to eat raw cassava, ginguba (peanuts), reindeer potatoes and sweet potatoes as these foods are causing food poisoning. According to the ministry, cases of food poisoning have already...


Angolan expert says Portuguese-speaking countries want Chinese technology to invest in traditional medicine

Portuguese-speaking countries want to take advantage of China's knowledge and technology to develop traditional medicine with local natural resources, an Angolan expert told Lusa this Friday.


Victor Hugo Guilherme says that healthcare in the country will no longer be completely free

The Minister of Planning said, this Friday, that the State Budget for 2025 will end free healthcare and allow private management of some services in hospitals, while protecting the most vulnerable.

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