According to the governor, quoted in a statement from CIPRA to which VerAngola had access, the "national cinema sector will gain new momentum with the inauguration of two cinemas in the province of Luanda, Cine Alfa 1 and Cine Alfa 2, which are to benefit from restoration works, with opening scheduled for this year".
In addition to these two theaters, the implementation, this year, of the Project for the Restoration, Conservation and Preservation of the National Cinematographic Heritage, located at the National Archives, in the capital, is also planned.
"On a day of celebration of national culture, Filipe Zau presented numerous projects that will benefit the class of cultural producers, having announced that the renovation works of the National Cinema Theatre have already begun, as well as those of the future Museum of the National Liberation Struggle, at Fortaleza do Penedo, whose completion is also scheduled for this year", reads the statement.
In his speech, the Minister of Culture also said that the projects for the new National Library of Angola, the Resistance Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art will also "be part of the future Cultural District, to be built on the site of the old market 'Roque Santeiro', located in the municipality of Sambizanga, in Luanda".
Regarding the Cine Teatro Tropical, according to the statement, they are waiting for financing to rehabilitate it.
The minister also said that "Mbanza of the Kingdom of Kongo will be accompanied by the Recovery and Conservation Project of all Historical-Cultural Sites of Mbanza Congo, Angola's first World Heritage Site located in the province of Zaire."
"In the city of Soyo, specifically the place where the Padrão that marks the arrival of the Portuguese in 1482 is located, will be the target of a rehabilitation project, given its interest not only historically, but also for tourism and the environment", it reads in statement.
The range of projects will also reach the province of Malanje. In order to preserve and "give greater dignity to traditional authorities", in Malanje, the construction of the Mbanza of the Sovereigns of the Kingdoms of Ndongo and Matamba, as well as the Memorial of Teka dya Kinda, were authorized.
In Benguela, the "local government financed the rehabilitation of two cinemas, the Cine Monumental in Benguela and the Cine Flamingo in Lobito", while in Namibe, the Cine Estúdio, "incomplete since the colonial era, will be completed".
"In the interests of cultural and tourist interest, the Dundo Museum Depot, in the province of Lunda Norte, as well as the Cunene Provincial Library, will be built, as well as the Fortresses of Massangano, Catumbela, Ambriz, Quicombo, Quibala and Libolo", the statement also says.
In addition to the Sona, currently an Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the head of the Culture department reported that work is also underway to include the Semba on UNESCO's indicative list, "which already includes the Kwanza Corridor, the Tchitundo Hulo Hill and the Memorial of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale".
On the occasion, he also highlighted the commitment of the President of the Republic "in the materialization of projects aimed at the recovery and construction of different types of equipment, aimed at the development of national culture".
Filipe Zau also considered that "without culture there is no development, because people are necessarily inserted in specific cultural contexts", and culture, in addition to "work activity and the exercise of citizenship, is one of the purposes of comprehensive education".
Quoted in the statement, he argued that culture must be seen as a factor in economic and social development.
"In an era of knowledge and rapid changes that, nowadays, occur at a dizzying speed, culture will, in our opinion, also have to be seen as a factor of economic and social progress," he said.
"Through the action of the cultural and creative industries, the minister noted that culture becomes a factor of economic progress, by contributing to employability and the gross domestic product. Hence the inseparable relationship with cultural tourism," the statement further points out.