Ver Angola




Winners of the 2024 AOG awards are now known. ExxonMobil and Cabship among the winners

ExxonMobil, Cabship, the Kaminho Deepwater Development project and former Minister of Hydrocarbons Desidério Costa are the big winners of the Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2024 Awards, which aim to celebrate the achievements of oil and gas companies...

Raw Materials

Angola will auction 44 special diamonds electronically this month

Angola will auction, electronically, 44 special stones, weighing approximately 10.80 carats, with the evaluation sessions taking place between the 7th and 16th of this month, announced this Thursday the public marketing company Sodiam.


PR urges oil companies to employ young graduates

The President of the Republic urged, this Wednesday, during his opening speech at the 5th Angola Oil & Gas International Conference, operators in the oil sector to create conditions for the insertion of young graduates into the job market.

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