Ver Angola




The right of Portuguese colonies to independence gained legal framework 50 years ago

The right of Portuguese colonies to self-determination and independence was recognized in a law approved by the Portuguese Council of State 50 years ago this Saturday, culminating a process of anti-colonial resistance that began on December 1,...


Unicef: almost 300,000 children threatened by severe acute malnutrition in Southern Africa

The drought that hit Southern Africa this year could leave 270,000 children from six countries in this region suffering from severe acute malnutrition, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) announced this Thursday.


TVI will film a new soap opera in Angola. Recordings start in August

The new soap opera from Portuguese television station TVI will have Angola as its backdrop. The recordings of the new soap opera, provisionally named 'Huíla', start in August in Angola, with its premiere scheduled for October or November.

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