Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance


Banking and Insurance

Gross credit to the non-financial sector increased by 31.9 percent in April

Gross credit to the Angolan non-financial sector reached 6.4 billion kwanzas in April, increasing around 31.9% compared to the same period last year, announced the central bank.

Banking and Insurance

Profits of Angolan bank BAI Cabo Verde grew 75.8 percent in 2023

The profits of the Angolan bank BAI Cabo Verde grew 75.8 percent in 2023 to 101.9 million escudos (close to one million dollars), according to the report and accounts consulted by Lusa.

Banking and Insurance

BAI presents at FIB new version of BAI Directo for individuals and companies

BAI – Banco Angolano de Investimentos is present at the 13th edition of FIB – Benguela International Fair, which takes place from the 22nd to the 26th of May at the Ombaka National Stadium, under the motto: “Driving potential to transform the...

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