Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance


Banking and Insurance

BPI is selecting international partners for the BFA Initial Public Offering

BPI is selecting international partners to carry out the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 15 percent of its stake in Banco Fomento Angola (BFA), but has reinforced that its intention is to exit the company's capital.

Banking and Insurance

ENSA admits to issuing shares again after opening stock market with record demand

The record demand for shares in ENSA, which carried out a public sale operation for 30 percent of its capital, “is a signal” for the insurer to open more capital, admits the chairman of the insurer's board of directors.

Banking and Insurance

Bodiva is the next company to be privatized and later this year

The Angolan Stock and Debt Exchange (Bodiva) will be the next company to sell its shares on the capital market, said Bodiva's executive president, Walter Pacheco.

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