Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance


Banking and Insurance

Insurance premiums in the country grew 21.4 percent in 2023

Insurance production in the country grew 21.4 percent in 2023 compared to the same period last year, reaching gross premiums of 379.7 billion kwanzas, with accidents and illnesses leading the sector, it was announced this Wednesday.

Banking and Insurance

Transactions on the Multicaixa network grew 9.3 percent in August

Transactions on the multicaixa network in Angola grew 9.3 percent in August, compared to the previous month, totaling 3.28 billion kwanzas and increased 39.2 percent compared to the same period last year, according to a report.

Banking and Insurance

Competition approved the purchase of Banco Keve by Grupo Carrinho

The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) approved the entry of Grupo Carrinho into the shareholder structure of Banco Keve, with the purchase of a large part of its share capital, stating that the deal does not create barriers to competition.

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