Ver Angola




Catoca Mine: four women make history by becoming the first to operate heavy machinery

The history of the Catoca mine has recently taken a turn. It all has to do with the fact that four women completed an internal professional internship and became the first women qualified to operate the steering wheel of heavy machinery at the mine.

Raw Materials

Angola bans exports of quartz and gypsum to prioritize processing in the country

The Council of Ministers approved a series of laws that prohibit the export of quartz and gypsum, aiming to establish policies so that these mineral resources, explored in the country, are preferentially transformed before being exported.


Sonangol will build headquarters in the provinces of Cabinda and Zaire

The provinces of Cabinda and Zaire will have Sonangol headquarters. According to the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, the first stones for the construction of future headquarters will be laid next week, as part of a working visit by...

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