Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance


Banking and Insurance

EuroBic Abanca bank will be renamed simply Abanca after the integration is completed

The EuroBic Abanca bank will be called simply Abanca when the operational and technological integration process is completed, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2025, an official source told Lusa.

Banking and Insurance

António Catana: “Standard Gestão de Ativos is managing to deliver the best returns to investors”

“Standard Gestão de Ativos (SGA) is managing to deliver investors the best returns, compared to the defined benchmarks and traditional financial products available in our market”, said António Catana, CEO of SGA, during a meeting with around 30...

Banking and Insurance

Bad finances Angolan program grow with 79 million dollars

O Governo assinou um acordo com o Banco Africano de Desenvolcimento (BAD) no valor de cerca de 79 milhões de dólares para financiar o projeto Crescer, segundo um despacho presidencial.

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