Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance


Banking and Insurance

Standard Bank and Clínica General Katondo sign protocol to offer benefits in access to healthcare and financial services

Standard Bank of Angola (SBA) and Clínica General Katondo have formalized a cooperation protocol that provides a set of benefits in access to healthcare for the bank's customers and employees, as well as the offer of banking and financial products...

Banking and Insurance

BFA improves GDP growth to up to 4.5 percent in 2024

The economic studies office of Banco Fomento Angola has revised upwards its forecast for growth in the national economy, now estimating an expansion of up to 4.5 percent in 2024, following the positive figures for the third quarter.

Banking and Insurance

National Bank of Angola provides over 150 million dollars to the national market

The National Bank of Angola (BNA) will make an additional 150 million dollars available to the market, of which more than half will be used to finance rice imports and the remainder for private operations.

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