Ver Angola




PR: SADC's attention should be focused on investments in the energy and trade sectors

More investments in the energy sector of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), as well as the “mobilization of financial resources” to expand and build road infrastructure with a view to successful trade between countries in the...


President travels to Botswana to visit SADC headquarters for the first time

The President of the Republic traveled, this Friday, to Gaborone, capital of Botswana, to visit, for the first time, the headquarters of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), as acting president of the organization.


PR meets with PCA from Elsemedy Electric. Company has “great confidence” in Angola and will continue to invest

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, and the president of Elsewedy Electric, Ahmed Elsewey, held a hearing this Thursday, which served to talk about aspects related to this company's investment in Angola. Speaking at the end of the...

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