Ver Angola




Civil society accuses Supreme Court of denying justice in two-year-old case

Members of civil society complained this Thursday about the denial of justice in a case against the President of the Republic and state media outlets, pending for two years in the Supreme Court (TS), having sent new evidence to that court.


“Protect the Protest” show in solidarity with activists imprisoned for a year takes place on Saturday

A show alluding to a year of imprisonment for so-called “political prisoners” and against the criminalization of freedom of expression in Angola, will be held on Saturday, in Luanda, and should bring together several singers and activists, it was...


Portuguese TV channel shares first images of soap opera filmed in Angola

With just a month to go before the premiere of the soap opera that TVI is filming in Angola, the Portuguese television station has decided to share the first images of this production, which has been named ‘A Fazenda’.

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