Ver Angola




World Bank supports higher education in Angola with 500 million dollars

The World Bank (WB) is supporting a Government project that aims to strengthen skills in higher education, worth a total of 500 million dollars, the first phase of which was launched this Friday in Luanda.


Alentejo wines continue to invest in the Angolan market and bring together customers and partners

One month after resuming in-person activities in Angola, the Alentejo Regional Wine Commission (CVRA) once again brought together customers, partners and opinion leaders in Luanda, in a new training session and a wine dinner, with the aim of...


Francophone employability center opened on the UAN university campus

The Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Innovation, Alice de Fátima Ceita, inaugurated, this Thursday, a French-speaking employability center on the university campus of the Agostinho Neto University (UAN). The center, the result of a...

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