Ver Angola




Construction of a 12-classroom polytechnic institute begins in Zaire

The first stone for the construction of the Nzeto Polytechnic Institute, in the province of Zaire, has already been laid, marking the start of the project. The future institute will have 12 classrooms, as well as laboratories, an auditorium, among...


After Luanda, Huíla and Benguela, it was Huambo's turn to host the exhibition with works by Picasso

The exhibition with works by Pablo Picasso has already arrived in the province of Huambo. Having already visited Luanda, Huíla and Benguela, the Spanish artist's work is now on display at the Manuel Rui Cultural Center, in Huambo, and can be...


Angolan teachers will be trained by Namibian experts to teach English

Namibia will train Angolan teachers to teach English. The announcement was made by Luísa Grilo, Minister of Education, in statements to the press after a meeting between the Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, and the Minister of...

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