Ver Angola


Sílvia Lutucuta announces that country will soon be able to use robotic surgery technology

The Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, said that the country will soon be able to count on robotic surgery technology. The announcement was made at the workshop on Cardiac Surgery, which was taught by an American team this Tuesday, at the Cardeal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento Hospital Complex for Cardio-Pulmonary Diseases.

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On the occasion, the holder of the Health portfolio – cited in a statement from the Ministry of Health to which VerAngola had access – said that this is "an important technology investment for the Health sector", and for this reason it is ongoing "the process with the American company AdvantHealth to carry out this surgery in the country".

Sílvia Lutucuta said that they also want to "make a better investment in minimally evasive surgery", already having laparoscopic surgery, which "competent professionals in these areas have been carrying out".

Therefore, the note adds, with the implementation of robotic surgery, patients in urology, gynecology, general surgery, thorax and cardiac surgery will benefit from the aforementioned surgical intervention.

Furthermore, the minister also took the opportunity to express concern about the high rate of prostate cancer, having warned that "we must work on prevention and education, because when symptoms appear, the cancer is already at a high level".

The topic of robotic surgery also reached João Lourenço, who, this Wednesday, held a meeting with a robotic surgery evaluation team made up of "eminent specialists in this advanced technique". According to a note from the Presidency of the Republic, to which VerAngola had access, the Minister of Health witnessed the hearing, which served to address "the implementation in the country of robotic surgery as a resource for highly complex treatments".

Professor Kenneth Joseph Palmer Roman headed the team, which carried out visits to "first-class hospitals in Luanda, Viana, Caxito and Cabinda", such as the Cardeal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento Hospital Complex for Cardio-Pulmonary Diseases.

As part of the meeting with João Lourenço, Kenneth Palmer, quoted in the Presidency's note, said that the hospital units visited "demonstrated that Angola has the infrastructure for implementing robotic surgery".

In statements to the press after the meeting, cited by Angop, the person responsible said that, from this point of view, a joint plan is being drawn up aimed at implementing this instrument in the country's health system.

The Ministry of Health explains that robotic surgery refers to "a minimally evasive surgery, in which the patient can return to their normal activities much faster" compared to conventional surgery, as it is less painful and involves less blood loss.


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