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Banking and Insurance

BAI presents at FIB new version of BAI Directo for individuals and companies

BAI – Banco Angolano de Investimentos is present at the 13th edition of FIB – Benguela International Fair, which takes place from the 22nd to the 26th of May at the Ombaka National Stadium, under the motto: “Driving potential to transform the economy”.


At FIB 2024, BAI will present the new BAI Directo version, which is simpler, safer and brings greater speed to the execution of banking operations, with the aim of making it more accessible for customers to use.

The main change in this version is the separation into two distinct applications: one for individuals and the other for companies, with the aim of introducing more access and greater security.

Other advantages are the simplification of signing up and retrieving credentials, more fluid navigation and immediate access to the most frequent operations.

"Each contact with the bank must be simple and free customers to focus on their economic and social activities", explained BAI's Director of Communication and Brand Management, Fábio Correia.

"Therefore, customers must subscribe to the new application now available on the play store and app store and start benefiting from the new version of BAI Directo", he added.

BAI recognizes the importance of financial literacy and will have a team at FIB 2024 prepared to help visitors clarify their doubts about the new version of BAI Directo.

For additional clarifications, BAI Directo has a line 924 100 100 available from Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day.


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