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Number of exhibitors at FIB grows. Almost 400 companies are present in this edition

The 13th edition of the Benguela International Fair (FIB) saw an increase in the number of exhibitors. This year, almost 400 exhibitors are participating in the event, which corresponds to a growth of 15 percent compared to the previous edition.

: Facebook Governo Provincial de Benguela
Facebook Governo Provincial de Benguela  

This growth impressed the organization, according to Bruno Albernaz, president of the Board of Directors of Grupo Arena.

"We are impressed with the massive participation of exhibitors," he said, quoted by Jornal de Angola.

In total, 393 exhibitors are present at this year's edition of FIB, which has an exhibition area of around 12 thousand square meters.

The event, which started this Wednesday, will take place at the Ombaka National Stadium until next Sunday.

This Thursday marks the second day of the fair, which in the morning was marked by a conference with the theme "Unitel Agents Presentation". Throughout the day, Sanlam actions will take place at the Sanlam stand, and an ENSA literacy quiz and virtual reality game with free gifts are also planned at the ENSA stand.

At the end of the day, in the BFA conference room there will be a conversation on the theme "Unitel Money Presentation".

It should be noted that this edition of the FIB aims to promote and develop the "economic and district potential of the southern region of the country".

In terms of timings, the event is open between 10am and 6pm.


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