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Banking and Insurance

Standard Bank brings together customers, partners and entities from Benguela with a view to attending FIB 2024

Standard Bank of Angola (SBA) brought together, this Wednesday, in the city of Lobito, the main customers, partners and local entities, in a networking event that aimed to strengthen the business network and support the development of companies in the province of Benguela, and the national economy. As part of the SBA's strategic objectives, the event took place at the Luna Ocean Club, preceding the institution's participation in the 13th edition of the Benguela International Fair (FIB 2024), which kicked off this Wednesday.


"The visit to Benguela, including the meeting with customers, partners and local entities and the presence at FIB, is part of the bank's business and expansion strategy, which has as one of its main objectives to reinforce investment in Angola. Considering the size and vital importance that this province assumes in the Angolan economy, we could not fail to be present in Benguela for these days, which are expected to be very enriching and productive", said Luís Teles, CEO of Standard Bank Angola.

FIB 2024 will take place between the 22nd and 26th of May, at the Ombaka National Stadium, in the city of Benguela. This multi-sectoral fair aims to contribute to the promotion of Angola's economic potential, serving as a reference platform for establishing contacts and creating a business network, providing greater visibility to products and services from the interior of the country, in addition to contributing to the internationalization of national products.

With participation in this fair, considered the largest business exchange in southern Angola, the SBA aims to "attain new customers" and "solidify the brand's positioning in the province of Benguela", explained Luís Teles.

At the Standard Bank of Angola stand, visitors will be able to learn about the products and services of the various segments available to customers.


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