Ver Angola


Benguela International Fair opens its doors with the participation of more than 360 companies

The 13th edition of the Benguela International Fair (FIB) kicked off this Wednesday, with the participation of more than 360 companies. The governor of the province of Benguela, Luís Nunes, presided over the opening act of the event, which takes place until the 26th of May, at the Ombaka National Stadium.

: Facebook Governo Provincial de Benguela
Facebook Governo Provincial de Benguela  

In addition to the provincial governor, the opening ceremony also featured testimony from the Minister of Culture, Filipe Zau, and the provincial governors of Huíla and Lunda Norte, Nuno Mahapi Dala and Ódia Paulo Satula Vilarinho, respectively.

On the occasion, Luís Nunes praised the implementation of the FIB which, "once again, has materialized the common effort, to maintain and grow, from year to year, this important sharing of knowledge and presentation of products and services", says a statement of the provincial government of Benguela, to which VerAngola had access.

According to the provincial governor, the event demonstrates the "vitality, as agents of development, in the construction of a province with a promising future".

In his speech, Luís Nunes said that the country is going through "times of great challenges", requiring "courage and additional effort" that will give concrete results, having also recalled that the "work goes beyond numbers and commercial transactions".

This edition of FIB has the participation of more than 360 companies, both national and foreign, as well as the 10 municipal administrations of Benguela, which are exhibiting products ranging "from insurance, banking, transport, agricultural to technological".

Held annually, as part of the celebrations of the city of Benguela, which turned 407 years old on May 17th, the FIB is an "exposure event and the creation of business opportunities", the note adds.


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