Ver Angola




Macon invests more than five million in the purchase of 50 buses

Luís Máquina, Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of Macon, said that the transport operator invested more than five million dollars in the purchase of 50 buses, the acquisition of which will allow the creation of 200 new direct jobs, mainly...


Government of Benguela opens new intercity transport routes

The province of Benguela has new intercity transport routes. Opened this Tuesday, the new routes cover the municipalities of Ganda, Cubal, Caimbambo, Chongoroi, Bocoio and Balombo.


TAAG doubles weekly cargo flights to Nigeria, Congo and South Africa

In the first fortnight of July, TAAG increased the weekly frequency of cargo flights connecting Luanda with the cities of Lagos, Brazzaville and Johannesburg.

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