Ver Angola


Angola attends World Bank and IMF meetings

A delegation led by the Minister of Planning, Victor Hugo Guilherme, is in Washington DC, in the United States of America (USA), with a view to participating in the Annual Meetings of the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which began this Monday and will run until the 26th of this month.

: Facebook Ministério do Planeamento
Facebook Ministério do Planeamento  

According to a statement from the Ministry of Planning, to which VerAngola had access, in addition to Victor Hugo Guilherme, the national delegation is also made up of the Minister of Finance, Vera Daves, the governor of the National Bank of Angola (BNA), Tiago Dias, and the president of the Sovereign Fund of Angola, Armando Manuel.

"The Angolan delegation will participate in the plenary session of the BM and IMF, in which the president of the BM and the general director of the IMF present the balance of activities as well as the financial reports for the previous year", points out the note.

The program also includes the holding of the Plenary of the International Monetary and Financial Committee, "which includes finance ministers and central bank governors", and during which the global economy will be "assessed, considering emerging risks and challenges", as well as "promoting financial stability to prevent crises" will be appreciated.

"In addition to the statutory meetings, the Angolan delegation will have other work meetings, of which we can highlight the session with the Regional Vice-President of the World Bank, Victória Kwakwa, and with the Vice-President of the IFC for Africa, Sérgio Pimenta, with whom they will discuss the portfolio of projects in Angola and the best ways for their sustainable expansion", says the guardianship.

The national delegation's agenda also includes the participation of Victor Hugo Guilherme, Vera Daves and Tiago Dias "as speakers at three forums that bring together investors, promoting banking institutions, namely Citi Bank, Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered and Standard Bank".

Furthermore, says the statement, the Angolan government will also "hold a bilateral meeting with the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, Janet Yallen".

It is also worth highlighting the interview that the Minister of Finance will give to the IMF channel (IMFToday). According to Jornal de Angola, Vera Daves will talk about the challenge of debt and financing in low-income countries and emerging markets, and the interview will be broadcast on the website, as well as on the aforementioned institution's networks, such as the YouTube.

"The Annual Meetings of the World Bank group are a set of events that bring together influential leaders from governments, companies, international organizations, civil society and academia, in search of solutions to economic development and sustainability challenges that the world faces", says the statement from the Ministry of Planning.


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