Ver Angola


More than 200 million made available by the World Bank to Angola to promote more than 500 thousand jobs

A total of 250 million dollars has been made available by the World Bank to the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP) with the aim of helping to promote employment for more than 500,000 young people over a period of five years, INEFOP Director General Manuel Mbangui recently announced.

:  Angola Image Bank
Angola Image Bank  

In statements made during the public consultation on the Employment and Opportunities for Youth in Angola project, cited in a statement from the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security, to which VerAngola had access, the official said that this programme aims to increase "opportunities for access to employment and is based on the diagnostic report developed by the National School of Administration and Public Policies".

Of the total number of jobs, almost 40 percent will be allocated to women.

"Of the 500,000 young people who will be covered by the programme, 38 percent of this number is reserved for women and six percent for people with physical disabilities", the statement reads.

The director of INEFOP explained that, in order to prepare the project, "the main components of the initiatives have been structured, but considering that these are public policies with a direct impact on young people, INEFOP decided to carry out this consultation process".

According to data from the INE, cited by the official, there are around 3.5 million unemployed young people in the country, a scenario that "reflects the need to implement the promotion of employment in an inclusive and responsible manner".

Manuel Mbangui also reported that the project will prioritise "generic areas, with a focus aligned with the National Development Plan", namely in the areas of agriculture, construction, trade and services.

According to the director-general of INEFOP, the selection criteria will be defined after the consultation process is completed, having recalled that "the age factor will be decisive".

The director of the Integrated Economic Office of the Provincial Government of Luanda, Dorivaldo Adão, said that the "institution he heads has developed a set of programmes that essentially aim to reduce the unemployment rate, which includes the regulation of trade, where young people with innovative ideas are called upon to help, in a certain way, improve the living conditions of citizens".

The director of the employment centre in the urban district of Ingombota, Manuel Miala, considered that this project will help to mitigate the problem of unemployment.

"The big difference that the project will bring is to mitigate the problem of unemployment, it will not be solved, obviously, but we will take steps", said Manuel Miala, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

One of the young people who took part in the consultation programme considered that the project is an added value. He is José Ribeiro, who, according to the statement from the government, has a course in renewable energy.

The young man considered that "the project is an added value, because it demonstrates the intention of the Executive to try to find out what young people really think and want", while Delcia Caleia, who also has a degree in renewable energy, recognised that "the consultation process is an opportunity for people who are unemployed".


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