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MPLA proposes dividing Luanda into two provinces

MPLA proposed, this Tuesday, the division of the capital into two provinces, namely the provinces of Luanda and Icolo and Bengo, with 16 municipalities and 7 municipalities respectively, to “relieve” population density and bring services closer to citizens.

:  Angola Image Bank
Angola Image Bank  

The proposal to divide the capital should create a total of 23 municipalities and 24 communes and was presented this Tuesday to the National Assembly by the parliamentary group of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA).

The initiative was presented during the discussion on the proposal for a Law on the Administrative Political Division (DPA) of Angola and received votes of protest from the deputies of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), arguing that it did not comply with the principles regimental.

At the beginning of the proceedings, Paulo de Carvalho, MPLA deputy, proposed the introduction of the point on the administrative division of Luanda, arguing that it was the result of a recent consultation in the current nine municipalities of the capital.

"We aim above all to promote a closer connection between public services and citizens, implementing public policies according to the specificities of each territory", stressed the deputy.

According to Paulo de Carvalho, this province currently has two different "Luandas", one more focused on housing and commercial activity and the other more focused on agriculture and industry.

In light of the MPLA's proposal, the new province of Luanda should have 16 municipalities and 13 communes.

The municipalities of Ingombota, Cacuaco (with the communes of Cacuaco and Kikolo), Cazenga (with the communes of Cazenga and Kima Kieza), Viana, Belas (with the communes of Barra do Cuanza, Cabolombo and Ramiros), Kilamba Kiaxi (with the communes of Golf and Nova Vida), Talatona (with the communes of Benfica and Talatona), Mussulo, Sambizanga, Rangel, Maianga, Samba, Camama, Mulenvos, Kilamba (with the communes of Kilamba and Vila Flor) and Hoji-ya-Henda should form part of the new province of Luanda.

The province of Icolo e Bengo would have seven municipalities and 11 communes, namely Icolo e Bengo (with the communes of Catete, Cassoneca, Caculo Cahango and Caxicane), Quissama (with the communes of Muxima, Kixinje, Demba Xio and Mumbundo), Calumbo, Cabiri, Cabo Ledo and Bom Jesus and the municipality of Sequele (with the communes of Funda, Kifangondo and Sequele).

Paulo de Carvalho also mentioned that the public consultation had 10 sessions, 10 thousand participants and the majority approved the division of the province of Luanda.

Hemingarda Fernandes, MPLA deputy, said in her speech that she supports the division proposal, especially for better urban planning, considering that Luanda is currently "almost ungovernable and experiencing disorderly growth".

The president of the UNITA parliamentary group, Liberty Chiyaka, expressed surprise at the proposal for the administrative division of Luanda, stating that the session on the special issues was to discuss the DPA proposal, which includes the division of the provinces of Cuando-Cubango and Moxico.

Chiyaca considered that the proposal for the division of Luanda should follow the procedural assumptions of the National Assembly, and even requested that the proposer produce studies that would justify the division of the capital.

The debate on the special issues is taking place in a heated manner and is being attended by the Minister of State and Chief of Staff to the President, Adão de Almeida.


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