Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance

Construtora Griner raises 15 billion kwanzas with a bond issue and goes public

The Angolan Debt and Stock Exchange (Bodiva) announced this Wednesday that it had admitted to trading corporate bonds by Griner Engenharia, which raised 15 billion kwanzas on Tuesday with the sale of 60,000 bonds.

: Facebook da Griner Engenharia
Facebook da Griner Engenharia  

According to Bodiva, the corporate bonds of Griner Engenharia SA, an Angolan civil construction company, are now tradable, by bilateral agreement between the parties, on an organized over-the-counter market after being admitted to trading on the market for registration of operations on securities (MROV).

With the admission of corporate bonds, points out the Angolan stock exchange, Griner becomes the first non-financial institution admitted in this segment, "demonstrating Bodiva's relevance in providing safe markets that respond to the needs of the national economy".

The Angolan stock exchange says that the bond issue that preceded this admission, which took place on Tuesday, took place outside the regulated market, with Griner raising 15 billion kwanzas, resulting from the sale of 60,000 bonds at a nominal value of 250,000 kwanzas.

According to Bodiva, last March the dematerialization of corporate bonds was carried out at the Central de Valores Mobiliários de Angola (Cevama), with the payment of the first coupon in the amount of 839 million kwanzas in May.

The MROV is a segment of the organized over-the-counter market that is exclusively intended for the registration of operations previously carried out, but not settled, of any type of securities, which are not admitted to trading in other segments of Bodiva markets, regulated by the rules of this Marketplace.


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