Ver Angola


Luau photovoltaic plant will be ready next year

Arlindo Carlos, Secretary of State for Energy, said that the Luau photovoltaic plant, located in Moxico, will be ready next year. According to the official, the construction of the photovoltaic infrastructure with a capacity of 32.2 megawatts will be completed by December of next year.

: Facebook Administração Municipal do Luau
Facebook Administração Municipal do Luau  

The information was released during a working day that the Secretary of State carried out last week in the municipality of Luau. According to a statement from the municipal administration of Luau, to which VerAngola had access, Arlindo Carlos made inspection visits to several local energy infrastructures and installations, including the future Luau solar power plant.

The work on the Luau photovoltaic power plant is approximately 50 percent complete, and the person in charge expects it to be completed by the middle of next year.

According to Angop, the Secretary of State predicted that the project would be completed by "the end of the third quarter or beginning of the fourth quarter of 2025", and also highlighted the progress of the construction of the equipment, which will reduce the significant energy deficit in Luau.

According to the statement from the Luau administration, after the field visit, the person in charge pointed out that the department's commitment to resolving the "challenges in the energy supply in the municipality remains in action".

At Luau, Arlindo Carlos' agenda included visits to the Luau thermal power plant, the construction of the Luau solar park, the common border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, the municipal airport and the 4 de Abril General Hospital.

Luau photovoltaic plant capable of supplying energy to over 100,000 inhabitants

The Luau photovoltaic plant – whose municipality is currently being powered by a five-megawatt generator, which is insufficient to meet the needs of the municipality with over 100,000 inhabitants – will be capable of supplying more than 100,000 people, and will have batteries of up to 79.77 megawatts per hour.

This is the second plant to be 'born' in Moxico, which already has the Luena plant capable of generating 26 megawatts of energy.

According to Angop, the photovoltaic plant with 55,500 panels was developed by the consortium formed by Sun Africa and MCA, similar to the plants in Benguela, Huambo, Bié and in Lundas Norte and Sul.


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