Ver Angola


Investor portal who want to promote investment in the country launched by AIPEX at FILDA

The Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX), in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning, launched the investor portal. The official website launch, called 'Invest in Angola', took place this Tuesday, on the first day of the 39th edition of the Luanda International Fair (FILDA).


With a view to promoting foreign investment and the country's economic development, the portal, which offers six different languages ​​(English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Arabic and Mandarin), features "intuitive navigation to explore all resources and information, guiding the investor in everything they need to connect to Angola".

In a video released by the agency, to which VerAngola had access, AIPEX clarifies that "investment opportunities are organized by sector and georeferenced with all information".

The portal also has the Government's strategies represented: "The Government's strategies are represented and described objectively", points out the video, which highlights Planagrão as "one of the most important".

'Invest in Angola' also provides, for example, information on products with the 'Made in Angola' seal, as well as on the assets of the Privatization Program (Propriv).

"For the investor looking for opportunities in privatizations, you will find the presentation of the Propriv program and the complete list of current assets", points out the video, which adds that the portal also allows its users to discover "success stories of investing companies and find out what is needed to live in Angola".

In order to monitor the entire process, adds, the portal "connects with AIPEX", which will provide "access to all support and incentives to complete the project, from the initial phase to final implementation".

In addition to the launch of the 'Invest in Angola' portal, according to Angop, the first day of FILDA 2024 – which takes place until Sunday, in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) – also featured the launch of innovative BCI products aimed at simplifying the granting of credits to both public and private companies, as well as the presentation of Petro de Luanda's new equipment for handball, basketball and football.

This first day of the event was also seen as positive by participants, who praised the significant movement and interaction on this opening day, which promises good opportunities to establish new partnerships and conduct advantageous business during the fair.


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