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Girabola determines tests to teams 48 hours before each game

The Angolan clubs, registered in the championship of the 2020/21 season, starting on 3 October, will have to carry out tests 48 hours before each match, due to the covid-19 pandemic, and each footballer will be tested before the training sessions.


The decision is expressed in an official statement of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF), sent this Monday to Lusa, stating that they are recommendations of the medical department of the body, as part of the return to football practice.

For the resumption of collective training, the medical department of the FAF considers that there should be mandatory tests of covid-19 to the players and technical team and also submitted to medical-sport examination.

According to the FAF, the athlete can not start training until all have been tested, otherwise, notes, "we run the risk of creating a new outbreak of infection," a control that must be carried out by the teams' medical departments and supervised by the health authorities.

The 2020/21 Girabola draw has been rescheduled for 29 July, club registrations, which started on 1 July, run until 28 August and between 20 July and 23 August is the period reserved for field inspections.

The FAF has scheduled the meeting with the clubs for 20 August.

In order to contain the spread of covid-19, the medical department of the FAF recommends to the Angolan football regulatory body the creation of a mechanism to have access to all the results of the teams' analyses, to be presented before the beginning of each match.

The return of a player who has tested positive to covid-19 will only take place "after obtaining two negative tests in a period of more than 24 hours", and the medical departments of the clubs must carry out a "certificate of physical fitness of the players".

For the FAF's medical department, a return to football is a situation that is "conditioned by national epidemiological developments and is always conditioned by actions at government level".

"Football should always obey the clear principles of security, example and responsibility. Above all is the health of the athletes and of all those involved", reads the communiqué.

The Angolan clubs unanimously decided on 30 April to annul Girabola, which had been interrupted in March due to the covid-19 pandemic, in order to "safeguard the health and the heavy spending on the athletes, whose contracts expired in May".

The Angolan championship, then led by Petro de Luanda, with 54 points, three more than the 1st of August, four-time champion and runner-up, was suspended in March, following the decree on the state of emergency.

For the 2020/21 season, 16 teams are already confirmed in the race, including Interclube, trained by Portuguese Ivo Campos.


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