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Girabola returns on 3rd October, after the draw on 29th July

Girabola will resume on 3 October after being postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic, the federation announced, which marked the draw for the championship on 29 July.


In a statement, the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) gives an account of the changes in dates, as well as the health recommendations arising from the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.

Last week, the FAF had announced the postponement, without date, of the draw, initially scheduled for 8 July, due to the increase in cases of covid-19 in the country, aiming to "safeguard the good of life".

According to the communiqué signed by the Secretary General, Rui Costa, the registration period for the clubs, which began on July 1st, runs until August 28th, while the survey of the camps will take place between July 20th and August 23rd.

The concert meeting with the clubs is scheduled for August 20th.

On 30 April, the clubs unanimously decided to cancel Girabola, which had been interrupted in March due to the covid-19 pandemic, in order to "safeguard health and the heavy expenditure on athletes whose contracts expired in May".

The decision of the clubs that militate in Girabola was presented during a meeting with the FAF, which analyzed the interregnum of the competition after being disputed the 25th day.

The Angolan championship, then led by Petro de Luanda, with 54 points, three more than the 1st of August, four-time champion and second place, was suspended in March, following the decree on the state of emergency.

For the 2020/21 season, 16 teams are already confirmed in the race, including Interclube, trained by Portuguese Ivo Campos.

Among the various administrative procedures for the next sports season and club licensing regulations, FAF requires an insurance policy for the football field/stadium, report and accounts approved by an authorized audit, among others.


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