Ver Angola


Oil companies offer a million vaccines to Angola

Oil exploration companies in Angola signed an agreement with the Government of Luanda in which they commit to offer the country one million vaccines against covid-19.


The announcement was made, on its social networks, by the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Petroleum (MIREMPET), which, together with the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and ACEPA (Association of Petroleum Exploration Companies), initialed the document at its premises.

The donation provides for the vaccination of employees linked to the oil industry "and their dependents", a total of about 60,000 people, with the remaining doses, 88 percent, being used in the government's vaccination campaign.

The Minister of Health, Silvia Lutucuta, informed that the contribution made by the oil companies, in the amount of around 10 million dollars, will make it possible to "purchase vaccines for 500 thousand people and buy other health supplies".

"The contribution of the oil industry is very valuable", reinforced the government official, mentioned in the same note published on social networks.

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Petroleum, Diamantino Azevedo, thanked the companies and called for an "active continuity in this process".

For the general director of Total Energies, and president of ACEPA, Olivier Jouny, "the agreement is another effort in the fight against covid-19".

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