Ver Angola


Unemployment rate increased to 32.4 percent in the first quarter of 2024

The unemployment rate increased to 32.4 percent in the first quarter of 2024, with younger people being the most affected by unemployment, which affects 63.5 percent of young people between 15 and 24 years old.

: Sapo

According to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE), the unemployment rate among the population aged 15 to 24 rose 9.1 percent in the first three months of 2024 compared to the previous quarter (58.3 percent), while the unemployment rate among the population over 15 years of age had a less significant increase in quarterly terms (from 31.9 percent to 32.4 percent).

In the first quarter of this year, an additional 181,368 Angolans aged 15 or over (working age population) became unemployed, totaling 5,646,659 people (a quarterly variation of 3.3 percent).

Among Angolans aged 15 to 24, the unemployed population increased to 3,737,150 people, with an additional 286,183 young people unemployed.

In the population of working age (17,414,877), 11,768,218 people worked, with an employment rate estimated at 60.2 percent, being slightly higher in rural areas and among the male population 61.6 percent compared to 59 percent of women).

The 35-44 and 45-54 age groups concentrate the largest number of employed people, according to the Angola Employment Survey (IEA).

Almost half of the people (47.5 percent) work in agriculture, hunting and fishing, followed by commerce with 22.6 percent.

The majority of employed people (79.8 percent) are in the informal sector, among which 70.7 percent are men and 88.5 percent women.

The IEA is a sample survey, aimed at households residing in the country. A total of 10,944 households are selected per quarter, 6036 in urban areas and 4908 in rural areas.


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