Ver Angola


INEFOP will provide more than 15 thousand professional internships this year

The National Institute of Employment and Professional Training (INEFOP) plans to provide a total of 15,557 professional internships in 2024, announced Manuel Mbangui, general director of the institute, when signing agreements for professional internships between the entity and Petromar, DW and Carmon, at the opening of the 2024 training cycle.


The aforementioned internships are expected to last three months and will be paid, said the person in charge who, cited by Angop, also made it known that they will be related to the branches of electricity, electronics, quarrying, cutting and sewing, mechanics and IT.

Therefore, anyone interested in applying should do so via the INEFOP website.

The general director of INEFOP also said that the objective is to "continue to combat unemployment" among young people. "Our objective is to continue combating unemployment among youth, with the help of self-employment, as well as professional internships, where many end up getting their first job," he said, quoted by Angop.

It should be noted that INEFOP opened, this Thursday, the 2024 training cycle. According to a statement from the Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security, to which VerAngola had access, the opening ceremony was expected to be presided over by Teresa Rodrigues Dias, Minister of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security.

In the event - which thus marks the start of "professional training, provided by the centers of the National Professional Training System" - "some professions in extinction and the emergence of new ones were presented, through human cadres, a parade of professions, formal delivery of microcredit, holding seminars on the challenges of professional training, given the new political and administrative division in Angola", as well as "exhibition of some modalities used to meet the needs of the most remote areas of the country".

According to Angop, approximately 500 trainees attended the event, under the theme "Modern and Inclusive Professional Training, the Key to the Development of Human Capital".


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