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Banking and Insurance

Standard Bank joins forces with EcoAngola to promote meetings, dialogues and activities around sustainability

Standard Bank of Angola joined EcoAngola to create and promote the '60min ECO' project, which aims to promote a set of actions and events focused on ecological awareness, with the aim of discussing the role of sustainability in Angolan society. The theme of sustainability was the motto of the first activity integrated into the project, which took place last Friday, at the SBA headquarters, in Talatona.


"With the '60min ECO' project, we aim to give voice and learn about different positions and perspectives on ecological and social issues, increasing environmental and social awareness. It is necessary to increasingly spread awareness about the biggest environmental and social challenges in Angola, namely poverty, unemployment, access to health and education, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, climate change, access to water and clean energy", defended Rosemaire Luís, Director of Sustainability.

The initiative aims to promote and moderate dialogue on different environmental, social and sustainability issues, encourage the active participation of parties, so that they provide contributions to support a critical analysis of sustainability issues in Angola, and encourage values such as social responsibility, justice environment and respect for nature.

The events promoted within the scope of the '60min ECO' project consist of meetings in a gathering format, in different physical spaces, functioning as a platform for dialogue on sustainability with interested parties in Angolan society.

The first event, held on Friday at the SBA headquarters, began with a brief presentation of the '60min ECO' initiative, followed by an activity around the concept of sustainability, in which two distinct definitions were presented, and the public to vote with colored cards on the correct definition of sustainability.

Afterwards, a group of guests were asked to indicate a word to enable the definition of corporate sustainability to be constructed, and the topic of socio-environmental benefits and individual and collective actions was also addressed.

The '60min ECO' project, promoted by the SBA in partnership with EcoAngola, will extend throughout this year, with at least one activity planned to be promoted per month, under themes such as blue economy, carbon credits, soil, changes.

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