Ver Angola


Africell gains two million customers in the first month of operation in the country

The mobile operator Africell gained, in its first month of operation in the country, two million customers, informed Wendy Sherman, Under-Secretary of State of the United States of America.


"This is a company that has been on the market for a month and has two million subscribers," said the US official, quoted by AFP.

Speaking at an online briefing as part of the closing of her visit to three African countries (Angola, Gabon and South Africa), Wendy Sherman also considered that Africell will "bring capacity to everyone in Angola".

Cited by AFP, the official also referred that American companies operating in Angola praised the new environment more favorable to investment.

"There are still issues to work on, but they've seen change that is positive, they now see opportunities that didn't exist before, and they feel more confident," she said.

It is recalled that Africell, the fourth mobile operator in the country, started its operations on the 7th of April.


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