Ver Angola


Angolan infected with covid-19 dies in Portugal

An angolan, who was receiving medical treatment in Portugal for being infected with codiv-19, died this weekend. The man was 90 years old.

: Angolano estava internado no Hospital Amadora-Sintra desde Dezembro de 2019
Angolano estava internado no Hospital Amadora-Sintra desde Dezembro de 2019  

According to a source at the Angolan Consulate in Lisbon, quoted by Angop, the angolan had been admitted to the Amadora-Sintra hospital in Lisbon at the end of last year. This weekend, the man ended up not resisting the disease.

In Portugal there are 15 angolans infected with covid-19. According to the same source, these citizens are in the recovery phase.

The consulate's source concluded that two of the 15 angolans are practically cured and it is expected that in the next few days they will be given a recovery and will be able to return to their homes.

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